Why robust website security requires constant evaluation

7th November 2018

WordPress Website Maintenance Service UK Website Security

When designing, developing and launching a website, there are numerous things you need to consider. Are you giving people all of the information they require? Is the site easy to navigate? Can it be viewed on mobile as well as on a laptop?

However, something that must never be forgotten is the importance of website security, both in terms of utilising the right software, as well as remaining constantly vigilant. Online criminals are always looking for new ways to exploit their targets, and it’s essential to make your website as difficult a hacking prospect as it can be.

What do hackers want?

What Do Hackers Want

We’ve all heard about hackers, and we’re all aware that we should be conscious of their methods and motives, but what exactly do they want?

Sometimes, hackers simply want to break systems; they create viruses and algorithms for the sole purpose of crippling websites, just because they can. However, far more common is the goal of stealing or manipulating data or other website components. This could so as to gather things such as email addresses and phone numbers, which can then be sold to disreputable marketing companies.

But did you know that some hackers attack websites with the sole intention of influencing SEO?


An Introduction To Local SEO

It would probably be easier to compile a list of things that don’t affect SEO, rather than a list of things that do. Google’s algorithms are becoming ever more intelligent; the way websites are ranked is always being enhanced and updated to ensure web users get the best possible experience.

And now, according to a recent study carried out by Internet domain registrar GoDaddy, it turns out that almost three-quarters of all hacked websites are done so for the purposes of enhancing SEO value. The research found that hackers very often infiltrate pages in a bid to include links to specific websites, edit pages, and if done correctly, can actually lead web users to a completely different site entirely.

As a consequence, the publisher’s SEO value can be destroyed, overall search engine rankings will likely slide, and if hacked brutally enough, can even lead to the website being blacklisted.

Obviously, this is something to be avoided. So how can you ensure that your website remains out of the grasp of hackers, and keeps climbing up the search rankings?

Monitoring and assessment

One of the key ways that websites are hacked is through the installation of plugins. However, it’s important that everyone be aware of the fact that there are businesses whose entire SEO model is based on the idea of purchasing WordPress plugins from their author. They then update the code in a bid to make it add secret links to websites that are controlled by the new author. It’s a somewhat ingenious system, but contemptible all the same.

According to the research, only half (50%) of all businesses surveyed said that they had in place a system to monitor their security protection. However, we understand the value of tight security. We know what we’re looking for, and know how to keep our clients safe and happy

What we do

Website security is the single component that is most often missing from business’ SEO strategies. However, we are dedicated to ensuring our clients obtain the best and most beneficial service possible. We work hard to keep SEO growing and keep criminals at bay.

Gavin Pedley

Gavin Pedley

Gavin is the guy behind the award-winning ThriveWP. He has over 18 years of experience creating, developing, hosting and managing WordPress websites.

Gavin regularly shares his expertise via the ThriveWP blog and Youtube channel, where he creates informative and helpful WordPress tutorial videos.

Connect with Gavin on FacebookLinkedin or Twitter.

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