How to make a WordPress page your homepage [Easy]

15th March 2019

White Label WordPress Care Plans UK Make WordPress Page Homepage

Do you know how to make a WordPress page your homepage? WordPress is a content management system used as a framework to create different types of websites. Once you set up your WordPress site, it provides you with the back end administration area to adjust settings in your website, this includes setting the page you need to be the home page. You can do this in the “Settings” section of your WordPress backend. It’s simple and it takes a few minutes to finish.


How to make a WordPress page your homepage

Log in to the WordPress site and go to the administration area. On the left sidebar there is an icon for settings, click it. Click on “Reading” in the submenu to expand the “Settings” submenu.

Creating a static page

Click the radio button in the “Your homepage displays” section labelled as “A static page” to set your front page to display a static page.

This is when you want to have a homepage that is not frequently changing like your blog page as you know; WordPress shows the blog posts on the front page of the site by default. Why would you have a static page as your homepage? The answer is this could be a site where blogging is not the primary activity and the intention is to rank on a set of constant keywords and give it a flashy and attractive look.

Setting the home WordPress pages to use as your front page

To set the home WordPress pages to use as your front page, use the drop-down menu labelled “Front Page”. You will then drop-down menu labelled as “Posts Page” to choose the page to display the WordPress posts because they will not be shown on the front page again.


Click the blue button at the bottom of the page labelled “Save” to change the default home page on the WordPress site.

What are the elements which contribute to an awesome homepage?

Defining a page

WordPress is unique in that it allows you to design both pages and posts. The default options and choices in the software will differ, depending on whether you’re making a page or post.

Posts are typically used to allow comments, whereas pages are commonly static meaning once you set them up, you just leave them alone.

Opinions differ, but the consensus is that you build a solid homepage, let it get indexed into the search engines and leave it alone. So how do you build a solid home WordPress web page?


You’re building a website because you want to convey a message and provide information to your readers. Right?

So it would seem obvious that you want to provide accurate information. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Remember, your page will get picked up in the search engines and people will visit your site looking for an answer within your pages content.

It’s your responsibility to do your due diligence and make sure you are providing the best possible information. If you’re an expert then this may not be that challenging, but if not do your homework. The consequences of a poorly researched topic will cost you because people will “bounce” out of your site very quickly.

Use Proper Titles

Your WordPress page titles are extremely important. The title of your page is one of the biggest considerations you have to make. People will find your page most of the time based on its title.

Your title describes exactly what’s “inside” your page and what your reader is in store for. Your title has what’s known as metadata attributes attached to it and this is what the search engines look for when someone does a specific search online for something particular.

Use Keywords

When you search for something on Google or Bing, you’re doing what’s known as a keyword search. Your pages should always include a well researched primary keyword in its title, and a variation of it in your pages heading.

A well-constructed WordPress page must have a heading at the top of the page just before the content section. Headings use what’s known as an H1 tag; this is a Metadata attribute which is also picked up by the search engines to helps people find your content.

It’s also a good idea to use H2 and H3 headings within your page as well. This breaks up and segments your page to help build an all-around solid page.

Provide Quality Content

You may have heard this before but I’m going to say it again. Content is king. How informative is the content on your page?

Your main objective should always be to provide, rich, engaging, informative and quality content to your readers. This is paramount above all else, providing you’ve done all of the above of course.

Everything ultimately revolves around the quality of the content on your website. So, if you consistently provide reliable and engaging copy then your site will eventually evolve into what you envision.
Not only will your website rise in the search engines, but you will get more visitors and grow even further.

These are a few of the elements that contribute to building a solid home WordPress page. There are many other considerations and fine-tuning that you can do to enhance your page, but these basic page building techniques are essentials.

Finally, a WordPress website can be created for free with some work. If however you would prefer a hands-off approach and want someone else to either build your site or manage it for you once built then consider our services.

Gavin Pedley

Gavin Pedley

Gavin is the guy behind the award-winning ThriveWP. He has over 18 years of experience creating, developing, hosting and managing WordPress websites.

Gavin regularly shares his expertise via the ThriveWP blog and Youtube channel, where he creates informative and helpful WordPress tutorial videos.

Connect with Gavin on FacebookLinkedin or Twitter.

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